
Cheerful Eggnog Latte Recipe: A Delicious Holiday Drink

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Are you one of the numerous people who call up the holiday season but isn't consummate without the love Starbucks Eggnog Latte? Maybe every year yous count down the days until y'all can swing by the coffee shop franchise and pick up a cup of the holiday coffee drink, and perhaps you're and then hooked on the drink that you detect yourself in the drive-through line about daily.

If you fit the description in a higher place, there is no judgment from us. We think the archetype latte is a fun way to conductor in the Christmas season, too, and that's why nosotros're taking information technology upon ourselves to testify you lot how to make information technology in your ain kitchen.


You lot're more than likely already familiar with eggnog. After all, it's basically Christmas in a cup. But on the off-take a chance you lot've never heard of the holiday staple, allow united states to break it down for you lot.

Eggnog originated in the United kingdom, and its ingredients typically include milk, sugar, raw eggs, vanilla, nutmeg, and cloves. Another recipes for the flossy drinkable might also include a scoop or ii of ice cream for added sweetness, and it's not uncommon for eggnog-drinkers to add together a splash of brandy, whiskey, or rum before enjoying.

The beverage is wildly popular beyond the globe, which is probably why Starbucks and then many other coffee shops have found success with an eggnog-flavored latte.


Eggnog Latte Recipe


  • 1/two cup of brewed coffee
  • 1/ii loving cup of eggnog
  • 1/3 cup of milk
  • i tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • Whipped cream
  • Saucepan


Stride 1:

First, combine your eggnog, milk, ground nutmeg, and sugar in the saucepan and let the mixture simmer on medium rut until it's steamed.

Ingredients Combined On Stove

Stride 2:

Adjacent, you'll need to pour your brewed coffee into a mug. What kind of coffee you lot use depends entirely on your personal preferences, just we say the stronger, the better. If you want your eggnog latte to pack a slightly more powerful punch of caffeine, use a shot of freshly brewed espresso instead.

Coffee In A Mug

Stride 3:

Pour the spiced eggnog and milk mixture over your java or espresso.

Eggnog Over Coffee

Stride 4:

You can savour your latte equally is, or top information technology with whipped cream and a dash of nutmeg. And voilĂ ! You've got a delicious bootleg eggnog latte.

Toppings For Latte


You can always substitute a few of this recipe'south ingredients to accommodate dietary restrictions or certain preferences. If yous don't beverage whole milk, for example, use nut milk, like almond or cashew, for a latte that's vegan-friendly. Try it over ice for a cool and refreshing care for.

This recipe is easy to follow, and in nigh no time at all, you lot can make a homemade eggnog latte that's sure to fill up you with holiday cheer.

Happy Caffeinating!


  • ½ cup strong brewed java
  • ½ loving cup eggnog
  • ⅓ cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ⅛ teaspoon nutmeg


    1. Heat eggnog, milk, and nutmeg over the stovetop on medium just until steaming.
    2. Cascade coffee into a mug followed by eggnog/milk mixture.
    3. Top mug with whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg for holiday cheer!
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